Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Lawyer Wants To Know Why A Convicted Minicab Driver’s Association With Uber Has Been Covered Up.

An Uber driver who knocked down a 27-year-old man who died at the scene has been jailed for four and a half years 

The court heard that Adefemi Adebisi was so high on drugs, the police reading was off the scale. 
It was also reported to the court that at the time of the incident, he had been drinking alcohol and cans of red bull, which were found littered in his Prius . 

The court was told that Adebisi not only went over the pedestrian with the front wheels, but also went over him with the back. The coroners verdict was death by asphyxiation.

The case took two previous attempts and over two years to come to court before concluding.

The family of the victim Joshua, an English graduate who was working as a lecturer at a college, gave an emotive set of statements.

His mother detailed the devastating effect his untimely death has had on the whole family - his elder brother, younger sister, husband and herself.

Mrs Hayes, said: "This man is a habitual risk taker...without due care for his passengers, other road users and pedestrians. He could have eased our burden by pleading guilty and saved us years of pain leading up to the trial."

The case was reported in the national press in February of 2019 and also in the LTDA’s Taxi paper. 

But Adebisi was simply reported as being a minicab driver. 
The fact he was an Uber driver had suddenly been hushed up. 

A lawyer has now come forward, wanting to know why Adebisi’s association with Uber had been totally cleansed from media reports, when it had been confirmed in court that he was working for Uber and had an Uber passenger in the vehicle at the time of the incident? 

It also came out in court that Adebisi did not have the appropriate medical checks but was still issued with a Private Hire Licence by TfL. 
Something else that simply vanished from the case in the media. 

It is widely known amongst the Taxi trade, (purely because it was reported in the Times news paper) that there are another 13,000 PHV drivers without proper documentation, a fact that TfL tried to sweep under their carpet.


It is our belief that this case was held back until Uber were granted their probationary extension licence, because it involved one of the drivers reported to be on the 13,000 list exposed in the Times article. 

It is also our belief that the trial this year was white washed because of Uber’s probationary licence ending in September. 

Many drivers are wondering why the Ltda, with all their so called ‘in house’ lawyers, failed to investigate whether this driver was working on the Uber app at the time of this sad incident?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LTDA are TFL bitches they do what there told.