‘‘Protests don’t work’’ they say.
Well they don’t if you just have a single protest and then expect to sit back and wait for the world to change.
It needs a protest every day to get the attention of the media, politicians and public. This is now going to happen.
‘I’ve protested before and it just caused bad Press’’
The reason that the media have been able to report skewed or biased information is because there has never been any proper or effective media management before , during and after protests. If there is no message or the wrong message is being conveyed by the Taxi Trade then the media will report anything they want and will often be influenced by the TFL spin machine which will do into overdrive.
The message needs to be clear and concise.
The flyers for this protest seem to be doing just that; they list out the reasons why Taxi Drivers are protesting.
1/There needs to be a call for Uber to be suspended immediately because there is now conclusive evidence by the Deloitte investigation and by the Legal opinion of Licensing QCs that Uber have been licensed unlawfully.
2/ There needs to be a Public Inquiry into the utter corruption of TFL in licensing Uber and many other improper actions against the Taxi Trade, and the unlawful actions of Cameron, Osborne and Johnson.
In my view ii is not a good idea to talk about compensation at this stage. The root cause of all problems is the corruption. If you talk about money it gives the opportunity for the media to report the wrong thing and it could be twisted to say that the protests are about money by greedy Taxi Drivers (which is clearly not the case) Don’t give them the opportunity to twist the reason for the protests.
There should be Press Releases and a Press Conference.
A proper Press Release should be drafted and sent out in a formal way conveying the clear reasons for the protests as detailed above and in the flyers.
The media has to managed; the Press Release needs to provide contact details for whoever is managing the media on behalf of the Taxi Trade.
If there is no one doing this the message will get distorted and twisted and the true reasons will not get reported.
Who should the protest aimed at?
1/The Media
My belief that the main reasons that previous protests have either not been reported at all or misreported in favour of Uber or TFL , is because the media are biased by their ownership. There are links between those who run the media and those complicit with the corruption.
I think that some of the protests should be directed at the media organisations who deliberately don’t report the truth. Perhaps the BBC at Aldwych or White City?
Or Channel 4 and ITN at Grays Inn Rd?
They might change their minds if they can hear hundreds of Taxis protesting outside their studios.
ALL Taxi Drivers need to email and tweet the media on a daily basis until they report the truth.-see links below
2/ The Politicians.
It is the job of the Opposition to hold the Government to account. The Labour leadership has been given the information about the Tory corruption and the unlawful licensing of Uber.
They have remained silent and they need to be asked why.
The Tory politicians who have been given the information have also failed to challenge the corruption at the highest levels in the Tory Party and they need to be asked why.
ALL Taxi Drivers need to contact their MPs and ask them why they are taking no action.
They need to be tweeted and emailed on a daily basis.
Point Cab has set up a mechanism for contacting your MP and every driver and their families needs to put pressure on politicians.
If any Taxi org does not take action this week to support the driver led protests then their members should surely question the value of paying them money every month?
There needs to be daily protests at strategic locations with a clear message, management of the media and engagement with politicians.
I strongly believe that if ALL of these things are done at the same time there will be a good chance of success.
Good Luck!
Here are some Media contacts if anyone wants to send emails or tweets or call . IF EVERY DRIVER DOES IT EVERY DAY THEY MAY REPORT THE TRUTH!
The Mirror
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The Guardian
Channel 4
News Agencies
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David Aaronovitch Political Journalist Twitter: @DAaronovitch
Matthew Parris Columnist, The Spectator Twitter: @MatthewParris3
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Great post Jim but how many demos have we been on last year more than I can remember and it’s been a good turn out but nothing has changed nor will it change I know you love this trade but we have been screwed not just by Borris &Cameron and not to forget old mr Osborne but the list if far longer than any of us relise no one is signing up to do the Knolwedge because it’s just not worth it look at the bank junction demo nothing happened uber are here to stay trust me on this one if I was a Knolwedge of London examiner I’d be waiting for my redundancy package to come through because it’s coming
I agree with this post personally I would call it a silent protest with instructions for no cabbies to speak to press and risk the press running what they want with it
simply if approached by the press hand them a flyer and stay in the cabs.
Let the speakers do the speaking and dear god let's not claim compensation on these flyers even though it may well be deserved
But agree with the comment we need all cabbies involved and every single cabbie to be aware of this strike advertise at every rank and every station give no cab driver the excuse of I didn't know about it
Anon q1.50
Did you actually read the articleIt gives good reasons why previous protests failed. Evry previous protest has been a one off event and then nothing for months which makes it easy to ignore. There has previously been no media management and no clear message so why would anything happen?
The only way anything will change is if ALL the things detailed in the article happen.
Daily protests at strategic locations with a clear message ,media management and engagement with politicians.
It sounds like you have already chosen to lay down and die
We are being financially strangled by TfL and the Tory Government.
But this isn’t political because the Labour Mayor is also in cahoots
No one has signed on the Knowledge since November
We have no new affordable vehicle
Of course we want compensation
Drivers working twice as long for half their earnings paying apps large chunks of the fare
Commission to CC companies, everyone’s got their hands in our pockets.
This use to be a proud trade with drivers who wouldn’t take any shit
Now it’s full of shit cowards who take whatever is thrown at them
The only good news on the horizon is we will all be doing a different job
This time next year, because the drivers ain’t got the bollox to stand up for themselves
And TfL know this
Look at the way our major org and unions blow smile up Mike Browns arse
TfL Tweeted - Under current cross border hiring rules, this is possible, if "triple licensing" requirement is met. See bottom of this page: https://t.co/V4T257n2HI We think cross border hiring rules are problematic and are lobbying for changes. Read p12 of: https://t.co/kbe7PcbxFO
It Tweeted to TfL "Can a Greater Manchester licensed Uber PH Driver work predominantly in London? they replied above. I know Uber are hurting the taxi trade, but they are also hurting the private hire trade,Manchester has more out of town drivers than local drivers, Uber take local drivers from local operators and local operators use this as an excuse to take on out of town drivers.
Uber may go, but will another operator take there place?
43/43 Salford PHD`s surveyed agreed local operators shouldn't take on out of town PH and Taxi drivers.
We need MP`s to change the Deregulation Act even TfL and all UK Licensing Officers agree on this, surely doing away with the deregulation act will strongly affect the running of Uber.
The City of Salford Private Hire Association support your fight to suspend Uber in London and I expect the majority of Greater Manchester Taxi and PH Drivers support stopping out of town drivers working predominantly outside the area they are licensed.
2018 needs to be a year where both taxi and private hire trades come together to get rid of the deregulation act, we did with a few very knowledgeable Manchester taxi drivers and got both Salford and Manchester license fees lowered.
A Protest at the BBC seem reasonable given their biased reporting in collusion with Govt/TFL/Bent politicians.
Worboys is just the latest example.
Lets see what they report when they are told first hand why drivers are protessting
I would very much like to see the legitimate private hire trade joining together with the taxi trade on the various problems, especially against uber
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