Friday, January 12, 2018

More Khanage About To Hit The Streets Of Marylebone (Just Up From WhereThe Air Quality Monitors Are)

Just when you through there couldn’t be anymore Khanage, TfL unleashes itself on the unsuspecting motorist.  

Until late May 2018, one lane in each direction will be closed along Marylebone Road, between the junctions with Balcombe Street and Baker Street. This is due to the second phase of works to convert Baker Street and Gloucester Place to two way traffic. Find out more at 

During this period, one lane in each direction will be closed along Marylebone Road, between the junctions with Balcombe Street and Baker Street. During peak hours, motorists can expect delays of at least 20 minutes on the approaches to the works.

If you need to drive, please allow more time for your journey. Alternatively, consider using public transport.

Why on earth do TfL carry out consultations. 
They take no notice of the results and just carry on regardless.
Just look at these results from the Baker Street two way system consultation. Note how few people bothered to reply. 

Look at the dodgy way this graph has been laid out 
Notice the way they have over complicated the fact that in total 43% strongly opposed and only 20% strongly supported. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Liers figure and figures Lie