Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Lewis Norton Branch Secretary of RMT London Taxi Branch has resigned tonight:

*RMT London Taxi Drivers 0930 Branch*

Notice of resignation:

Unfortunately due to 
both personal & professional reasons I have decided to stand down from the post of branch secretary. 

This has been a very difficult decsion to make but one I believe that is right for me. 

Please may I take this opportunity to thank you all for the support and for giving me the opportunity to represent the RMT within the licensed taxi trade. 

An election will be held on;
*Tuesday 13th February*

*7 - 9pm*
*Savoy Tup*
*2 Savoy St, WC2R 0BA*

For nominations please email assistant branch Secretary Andy Nicholls;

Please copy in regional organiser John Leach 

In Solidarity 
Lewis Norton

Branch Secretary 
RMT London Taxi Drivers


Anonymous said...

Maybe he knows what’s going to happen come April TFL scrap all London Knolwedge and replace with one teir system mainly for PH private hire drivers

TC said...

Under Norton, the RMT Taxi branch has been severely deminished
The promises never materialised and members heft by the Shed load

Many good militant members left over his poor leadership
He should have gone earlier for the sake of the branch.

Anonymous said...

Wasn’t a good advert for a taxi driver
Looked like he slept in his cab
Always looked like he neede a bath