Thursday, January 18, 2018

Day 4 : ITA Press Release On Yesterday's Legitimate Mobile Protests.




Allow me to reiterate, the police (on the ground) were a credit to their uniform. 

The authorites who tried playing us at our own game today, were out of order. We will use our acumen to adapt and overcome any and all scenarios.

It appeared the police really didn’t have a clue once we moved on to Hyde Park Corner and then when they least expected it, we doubled back to Parliament Square.

It was so nice to see so many Taxi drivers full of the Dunkirk spirit.
Never, never, never surrender !

See you all tomorrow. 

London Bridge 3:30 pm


Let's not forget, although sexual assaults and rapes by Uber drivers went up by 50% last year to 48 attacks, it's not just in London that Uber drivers are assaulting their passengers. 

Letter to the editor from David in Goa.

Im following the demo on Twitter from Goa. Fantastic stuff. 

But one tweet I noticed a short time ago ‘Feeder out to Newall Road’. 

They would rather sit in the Feeder for 6 hours than fight for their jobs. That is why I have no sympathy for the Heathrow drivers!


Rob said...

Hopefully the police will be a little more understanding and co operative. After all let's bear in mind when those poor souls draw their 25 grand p/a pensions and burn through their 140 grand lump ( figures for a flat footed 'bottom feeding' constable ) it's this trade they pile into just like all our Firemen colleagues.

Anonymous said...

These people who sit in Parliament and TFL are a DISGRACE to the people of London and the UK, they think there above the LAW and can make it up as they go along, WELL THERE NOT AND THERE TIME WILL COME, respect for the Taxi Drivers, never fall to your knees for those Fakers.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Jim, but who is the Lcdc super brain in the video, don't know or recognise him ? He talks about badge numbers, what's his? And where was he 8 or so years ago when the UCG turned out "Death by Design" United Cabbies News? I'll tell you where he was, he was too busy getting his money and being apathetic. Why is he doing the mouth job wearing his Lcdc lanyard - where is the Lcdc Chairman? Oh dear, don't tell me, he doesn't want a sect 12, or to be in violation of the current TfL Engagement Policy!

Anonymous said...

Can I just say I’m a Heatrow driver (away on holiday at the moment) I’m ashamed to say Heatrow driver all ways think it dose not concerned them, if I was their i would be their.. full respect for those on the demos. We have over 20K drivers how many turn out. I know it’s been said before we need to block the bridges, we need a good 15K driver fighting for your future of your family. If you don’t demo don’t sit complaining. I’m following the demo on Twitter. Well done to the organisers you done a blinding job.

Anonymous said...

Annon 3:48 (anonymous, typical of the new spineless UCG committee)

Your comment shows the ignorance and conceited arrogance that was responsible for your loss of membership over the last few months.
The New committee of the UCG sold out their members when they threw in (under orders from Bryn Phillips) with the LTDA. It's amazing what the promise of a few quid can buy. (What really happened to the subscribers money eh???)

The old committee under Dizzy and Len would never have let themselves be bought, they had principles.

Jo Cartwright is a well known figure in the trade, who has been to every London demo since he became a cabby 15 years ago.

He is not a spokesperson for any org, he is one of the reporters with London Taxi Radio and can be found on many periscope videos, interviewing cabbies and members of the public on behalf of LTR.

Again your poor comments attacking a man's lanyard is the reason the UCG will never amass to anything other than also rans.

Just keep blowing smoke up Steve Mc's arse and perhaps he may throw a few quid your way, but be warned he will eventually turn you over as he has in the past....just asked his ex best friend!

As for the section 12, it's only applicable to a demo, and the last three days have been much for your legal brains, what a bunch of losers you really are.

In respect to the chairman of the LCDC, he and his full committee have supported and attended the protests. They are their as Taxi drivers not organisers as the ITA is driver led, completely democratic....unlike yourselves who never even balloted your members over support for the protests which was sad given the number of your members who broke ranks and attended.

Given your apparent hatred for the LCDC, comments like yours today are doing much to swell their ranks, so please keep up mugging yourselves off.

The fact you don't want to upset TfL incase you are removed from the engagement policy speaks volumes about your ability to truly represent you members.

In the world of Taxi representation, the UCG are now no more than a complete joke.

Anonymous said...

No one takes notice of the UCG anymore as Steve McNamara would say, they are a done deal!
They are more like Steve Mc's mini me now πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

What happened to their forensic researchers and the bank junction?πŸ€”
More lies from Trevor and co

Anonymous said...

Is that all the UCG have in thei bag now, insults.
They used to be a formidable organisation but not now under this new committee and General Secretary.

As for Grant he's been there every day and here's proof.

Anonymous said...

WELL SAID 1:09 Annon