Will Labour take action on Uber Corruption FOR THE MANY thousands who have suffered and NOT THE FEW who have pocketed thousands?
It is surely to job of the Opposition to hold the Government to account for its failures and ensure action is taken when serious corruption and failure is exposed?
In November 2016 thousands of Taxi Drivers protested in Whitehall about the utter corruption involving Uber and the failings of Transport for London which had led to congestion and toxic air pollution.
Theresa May promised an investigation but nothing happened. ( see Press Release below)
In March 2017 The Mail published 11 articles, some of which were front page headlines, exposing the unarguable utter corruption involving Uber, Downing Street, David Cameron, George Osborne, Boris Johnson and Transport for London.(see list of articles below)
The reporter who wrote the article said
‘’I have been investigating this murky affair for several weeks, and the more that emerges, the more I am convinced it is one of the great political scandals of our time.’’
At the same time more than 5000 Taxi Drivers used the Point Cab website to write to their MPs who in turn wrote to the Prime Minister demanding a Public Inquiry following the exposure of the corruption.
Theresa May ignored the 5000 Taxi Drivers and the many letters that she in turn received from MPs, and instead called a snap election.
In the 6 days before the election was called the Mail published 5 articles exposing the toxic Tory corruption; it is extremely difficult to believe that the two facts are unrelated.
If Theresa Mays intention of calling the snap election was to bury the story about the Uber corruption involving Downing Street and senior Tories, it worked.
After a few days there were no further stories published and the Labour Party and everyone else seemed to forget all about it.
In addition to the unarguable previous breaches of Public Law by senior politicians and Transport for London and the exposure of utter corruption, in recent months it has been exposed that
• Uber Drivers were responsible for a massive increase in rapes and sexual assaults
• Uber had not co-operated with Police
•13,000 Uber Drivers had not had proper Police checks
• Uber had not disclosed serious data breaches in which 57 million customer and driver details were hacked (they had also paid hackers to keep this quiet)
• Uber has never complied with the Legal requirements to be a Private Hire Operator
• Senior Uber executives had lied under oath in court (evidence given in two different court cases conflicted and therefore one persons evidence has to be false).
Despite all of this the Labour Mayor of London , who is a lawyer and knows better than anyone that Uber do not meet the Legal Requirements as a Private Hire Operator, has taken no action to stop Uber.
The recent announcement that Uber’s licence will not be renewed counts for nothing; they are still operating illegally on a daily basis and their licence which was granted amid utter corruption should have been suspended with immediate effect. On a daily basis people are still breathing toxic air pollution and the illegal activities, including rapes and sexual assaults continue.
So the question is:
Will the Labour leadership , who have many thousands of constituents who are breathing toxic air pollution caused by congestion created by tens of thousands of Uber drivers, who also have many constituents who have been subjected to rapes, sexual assaults, abuse, and defecating in peoples gardens by Uber drivers, and who also have many Taxi Drivers as constituents whose pleas for urgent action they have ignored, finally stand up and take proper action?
Or will they just stand by like the Labour Mayor of London and allow the toxic Tory corruption which affects everyone, to go unchecked?
Perhaps in the next few weeks when Taxi Drivers start to protest on a daily basis Labour will listen and take action?
Perhaps if a reminder letter is sent from the 5000 Taxi Drivers who previously sent letters to their MPs using Point Cab, which have then been ignored, Labour will listen and take action?
Will Labour stand up and take action for the ‘MANY NOT THE FEW’ as they keep telling us they will?
A chronological summary of the Mail articles and election announcement
The Mail decided not to report any more about the corruption as soon as Theresa May called the snap election.

Why has the Mayor taken no action?
TFL are accountable to no one which in itself is something which should be investigated in the format of a Public Inquiry. The Mayor is Chair of TFL and therefore could not conduct an independent investigation. The GLA are supposed to be able to scrutinize the decisions and policies of TFL but have no statutory power to take action about TFL failures.
A GLA report in 2014 which deemed TFL to be ‘Woefully Inadequate’ has been ignored.
Why has the Department of Transport taken no action?
Formal complaints have been made to the DFT over a number of years and even though this is a national issue they have continually stated that they have no jurisdiction over TFL and that it is a matter for the Mayor to deal with. The Mayor is Chair of TFL so therefore cannot taken independent action.
What are the requirements of Public Law ?
It is a requirement of Public Law that decisions made by a Public body or someone in Public Office follow correct procedure, are rational and evidence based, for proper purpose, proportionate and properly reasoned. These criteria exist to ensure that decisions made by a Public Body result in effective policies and strategies. It is extremely important to acknowledge that these criteria are not just an obligation they are legal requirements and the failure to comply with these requirements is the reason why TFL’s decisions and strategies have failed.
The legal requirements for a Public Body are to
1/Follow correct procedure
2/ Be Rational and Evidence based
3/Have proper purpose
4/to comply with the European Convention for Human Rights
5/To be Proportionate
6/To be properly Reasoned
TFL have failed to comply with these requirements.
Unfortunately, it's Len McCluskey that runs the Labour party. No disrespect to Dave Davies, but Corbyn will always champion the migrant worker as the more deserving recipient of a living.Ethics is something politicians do not possess!
why don,t they simply put the carriage office back under the control of the metropolitan police?this level of corruption would never have occured under their watch,the vehicle examinations could remain as they are.
seems the daily mail has done mre in a couple of months for the licensed cab trade than the orgs have done in 5 years,any truth in the rumour that the ltda are going to cry havoc let loose the flying santas and make no error they were made of stern stuff.
No truth in that rumour
Fake news I’m afraid
Fake news
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