Monday, January 01, 2018

As We Enter A New Year Lets Briefly Reflect On The State Of Our Trade. By Marc Turner.

In our darkest moments, around 2015/16, many predicted our demise. The most pessimistic gave us two years. Some jumped ship and left the trade. The majority of our brethren, apathethically struggled on, heads in the sand, hoping for the best, expecting the worst, as the clock ticked down.

The orgs struggled to get a grip, because what had befallen the trade was off the scale, regards corruption/ collusion/ ineptitude/ from  government/ TfL/ plus media/press negligence.

Approx two decades ago Richard Branson with Jamie Borwick, (then head of Manganese Bronze, parent company of London Taxis International) were travelling in JB's chauffeured Black Cab. 
RB had accepted a lift home from JB after a function. 

Wasn't long before conversation got round to the cab trade.  Richard admitted to Jamie, that he (Virgin) had looked at getting into the London Taxi trade. But concluded, on a corporate level it couldn't work or 'ever' make money. 'Wise Man'.

A generation on it seem others too should've properly thought it through. Perhaps thousands   upon thousands of people (Worldwide) could've been spared huge suffering. 

From Cabbies/ PH/ unsuspecting members of the public, bankruptcies, house repossessions, evictions, fatal RTA's, molestations, rapes, even suicides and murders.
All for a failing 'greed venture'!

A Taxi driver is a small business, equivalent to a shop on wheels. Transaction's solely  between drivers and passengers. Win, Win. 

As has been proved with 'greed ventues', Everybody's losing. Some their lives.

But over the last couple of years  'fighting back', what the trade has lacked in quantity, it's certainly made up for in quality. 

It has been my honour and privilege to have been in the trenches with at various times (in no particular order): 

All absolute heroes because they've deffended this trade to the hilt. Often being hit in the pocket, and most self sacrificing of all, on occasions putting their trade before family commitments.

Wishing you all a healthy and prosperous 2018. 

To government/TfL/ disruptors...MIND YOUR 'JUGULAR' COS WE'RE COMING FOR YOU.


2017...the year TfL swept 13,000 fake criminal record checks and man thousand fake medicals, under the carpet. 
The year TfL swept hundreds of rapes under the carpet.
The year TfL swept thousands of sexual assaults under the carpet. 
(Only 10% of rapes and sexual assaults get reported)
The year it came out Uber admitted under oath in court, it's operation was totally illegal and the Mayor, along with TfL, swept it under the carpet and let them continue to operate. 

Let's make 2018 the year we burned TFL's carpet. 


londonlad said...

I don't want to go for just the jugular, i want to rip their effing hearts out, then shove a stake up their rectum & stand it in the ground,at Marble Arch, for all to see, the consequences of their actions, just as Vlad the impaler did to the Islamist invading hordes. it's what these government globalist followers deserve. if only i could!

Anonymous said...

Well said Marc.
Some good stuff their.
But what have Dial a cab achieved this year?

The Fat Man said...

They have been killed off by the phone apps

As will be the street hail and the meter

Cabbies can’t see further than the next pound note

You’ll soon be paying Gett/MyTaxi for work you used to get for nothing

Anonymous said...

Yes true.
But the demise of Dialacab strated long before the apps. Private hire made inroads & with the advent of new technologies and an ageing Board of Management led by a chairman who listens to no one the nail is well and truly in the coffin