Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Are HAL Putting Themselves On Offer Over Uber Using The AVA.

HAL have been warned that they are conspiring with and abetting Uber drivers to tout in the Authorised Vehicles Area (AVA) Private Hire feeder park. 

The news that Uber drivers accept booking in the vehicle before the company means that none of the jobs acquired under the present system are pre-booked therefore are illegally obtained. 

HAL have now left themselves open to claims for damages from Licensed Taxi drivers waiting up to 5+ hours in the Taxi feeder park while Uber are allowed to operate outside the regulations laid down. 

Until HAL can guarantee 100% that uber drivers do not accept the booking (which at present they can't), then the AVA must be "geo fenced" so as not to allow the uber app to work inside the AVA. All jobs dispatched inside the private hire feeder park must by law be "PRE-BOOKED ONLY".

An LTDA rep at the port allegedly said "if they geofence the AVA to exclude Uber then the cars will return to the surrounding streets"... But surely that's the councils and TFL's problem, not ours. 

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