Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Uber London Model is not Lawful... By Gerald Gouriet QC

TfL has finally released the full reasons for its refusal to renew Uber’s London licence. 

In a letter to Uber dated 22 September, which the regulator had not made public until yesterday (19 December), TfL sets out in detail how Uber had misled it, and also misled the High Court, as to the order in which bookings are accepted through the Uber APP.  TfL say that Uber’s answers to questions were “materially false and misleading”.

In the same letter, TfL express the view that the current Uber model does not comply with the 1998 Act and is unlawful.

In September 2017 TfL announced that it had not renewed Uber London’s licence: but the full reasons were not made public. When the LTDA asked to see those reasons TfL replied that the LTDA “was not entitled to them”.

The LTDA made an application to participate in Uber’s appeal to the magistrates’ court: its application was strenuously opposed by Uber. At a hearing on 19 December the Senior District Judge allowed the LTDA’s application and gave it permission to participate in Uber’s appeal. 

TfL’s 22 September letter was released on the afternoon before that hearing, as a direct result of the LTDA’s written submissions to the Court.

  Gerald Gouriet QC


Read the whole TfL submission here:


BHTaxinews said...

Unfortunately Uber does not current hold a London Operators licence so technically I suppose a non-existent licence cant be revoked?

Anonymous said...

I suspect there will be more rapes and murders with Uber being involved, and thus more embarrassment for TFL who continue to allow them to operate in London. Throughout the whole world Uber has become another word for bit dodgy and corruption. How much longer I wonder?

Anonymous said...

Uber will get relicenced they are just eating away at the Knolwedge and our trade demos don’t work take bank junction uber has broken the law from day one yet our trade orgs have done nothing so what is the point of complaneing as nothing happens

Unknown said...

Teressa may said today that Uber has an integral part Of London’s transport system ! In my opinion license or no license the high and mighty at parliament will do their very best to keep this shambolic lawless amature company! They’ve made their minds up already and waiting to bring in the next clowns Lyft to pass the cheaper baton over !

Anonymous said...

To get rid of Uber we must surely first get rid of the Conservatives in power, as they all seem to like Uber so very much at the expense of British tax paying companies. Only choice for me is to vote labour as we have had many of their MPs support us against Uber.