Friday, December 15, 2017

Mayor Khan Expects Cabbies To Provide The Same Level of Service, As He Cuts Funding For Taxicard.

Mayor Sadiq Khan's plan to slash the level of funding he provides for Taxicard services, has come under criticism from London's Local Councils.
The scheme subsidises taxi journeys for the disabled, allowing them to make journeys many would otherwise struggle to afford.
Taxi card holders pay a small amount towards the fare, and the rest is paid by the scheme. 
But the Mayor who funds the scheme through TfL, has announced plans to reduce funding by 13% in the coming financial year, followed by further cuts next year.
"This means fewer journeys or a lower level of subsidy for disabled people using the Taxicard account" said London Councils, a cross-party body, representing all local authorities in the capital. 
Councillor Julian Bell warns that TfL and the Mayor’s decision to draw up the cuts without first carrying out an equalities impact assessment could leave them open to a legal challenge.
Bell, serves as Chair of London Councils Transport and Environment Committee and is also the Labour leader of Ealing Council. 
The Councillors also said that the cuts go against Mr Khan’s election pledge to support the Taxicard scheme. He went on to say; “The scale of cuts proposed would appear to undermine Mayor's statement of support.”
City Hall claimed that despite the proposed cuts, both they and TfL are “fully committed to the Taxicard Scheme, and can guarantee that there will no reduction at all in the service being provided anywhere in London.

London black cab co-operative is offering free rides to Homerton Hospital, to support families with loved ones who are ill. 

Taxiapp UK will be laying on the free trips on Wednesday 20th Dec afternoon.

Sean Paul Day, founding member of the not-for-profit group, which is owned directly by the drivers themselves, said: “We understand Christmas can be challenging for all those with loved ones in hospital so TAXIAPP want to offer as much support as we can for those travelling to visit family members. 

“Our goal is to make transport accessible for all.”

Taxiapp accepts all kinds of passengers, from wheelchair users to those travelling with pets.

Email to arrange pick-up and drop


colin said...

Cut the bike lane shambles & reinstate the Taxi card funding for the people that really need help.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that TFL employees are driving around in TFL diesel powered vehicles. One would have thought that they would've been the first to change their fleet to battery. Or is it another case of one rule and expense for others??

Anonymous said...

Well done TaxiApp, putting people first.