Uber’s licence to operate in Cambridge is being reviewed to determine whether they are a “fit and proper” group to operate in the city.
In September, transport bosses at Transport for London (TfL) made headlines when they decided not to renew the licence for cab company Uber. The decision appears to be no more than cosmetic as Uber are currently being allowed to continue as if nothing's happened while they appealed. An appeal that could take years to sort out, according to Mayor Khan.
Now, with the company’s licence in Cambridge approaching its expiry date, councillors will have to take a hard look at whether to allow them to keep operating in the city. To stop them operating completely the licence needs to be revoked before it expires (or so we are told). If they wait and them refuse to relicense, then they will face the same situation as we are facing in London, with Ube simply carrying on operating.
A spokesman for Cambridge City Council said: “We will look closely at the detail of TfL’s decision and the likely appeal Uber has indicated it will lodge against that decision before considering Uber’s operator licence in Cambridge, and whether that licence should be renewed or not.”
Next Monday (December 18), the city council’s Taxi Licensing Committee will discuss whether to renew the private hire operator’s licence held by Uber Britannia Limited.
Uber Britannia Limited was first issued with a Private Hire Operator’s Licence on December 21, 2015 for one year.
Due to Uber not having traded under the initial licence for a whole year, the subsequent renewal application was treated as a new application. The licence was issued on December 21, 2016 for a period of one year.
“At the time of the inspection, Uber Britannia Limited currently uses four private hire vehicles and drivers licensed by Cambridge City Council.”
There have been complaints that Uber use PH vehicles licensed by TfL with drivers also holding TfL licenses.
Two letters objecting to the renewal of the Operator’s licence have been sent from Panther Taxis Ltd and a joint response from Cambridge City Licensed Taxis (CCLT) and Cambridge Hackney & Private Hire Association (CHPHA).
Another uninformed Tory, shows his ignorance to the true facts behind the London ban. Perhaps he should seek an audience with #UberRape victims who's lives have been shattered.
The Tory Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough James Palmer, has slammed the decision made to ban Minicab app from operating in London (there's a surprise #chumocracy) as councillors decide whether similar measures need to be taken in Cambridge.
Support for the ban has come from Cambridge's Labour MP Daniel Zeichner.
Daniel Zeichner MP is calling for new laws to help local authorities regulate taxis and private hire vehicles.
His call for the government to take proper responsibilities over taxi licensing laws comes after Transport for London has refused to relicense Uber in London after their current license expires next week.
Mr Zeichner warns that just because Uber will no longer be licensed in London, it does not mean than they will be unable to continue working there.
He said: “The government has known for a long time that it needs to sort out taxi and private hire licensing, but has just dug its heels in and refused to act or make these tough decisions
Meanwhile, back in London :
Uber have given the impression, they are going through the appeal motions quite legally and at Westminster Magistrates Court yesterday, were given an appeal hearing date, plus leave to carry on:-
• Creating Havoc On The Roads
• Hacking Accounts
• Over Charging
• Sexually Assaulting and Raping.
TfL told the media the company would not be relicensed owning to safety issues, but then allow them to just carry on operating regardless.
It was all made to look so efficiently legal and above board.
But it's not! It's all fake, it's all smoke and mirrors.
The London Cab Drivers Club have unearthed thousands of emails between Uber and TfL management (by FOI request) that show collusion.
The media is awash with paid for articles accusing Taxis of being too expensive and how cheap Uber journeys can be.....but to find the true cost of a cheap Uber ride home, ask a rape victim!
Would be interesting to see a selection of these E mails.
Another quality post Mr James Charles Thomas
And still not a peep from the all New United Taxi mob.
Has the fold up table collapsed?
LTDA are thinking about legal action, and have been since 2013, the UCG are thinking about how nice the offices are at Taxi House and what biscuits it will be this week, and Unite think the Mayor and TfL are doing a great job.
Not sure if the RMT are still in existence or have disappeared up their own back escalator.
It seems we only have the team put together by the LCDC who have our backs.
Anon 4:42 many of the said emails have appeared on Twitter and face book.
It’s all about the money - John Griffin the owner of Addison Lee was the highest donor to the Conservative Party in the run up to the last election with a reported donation of a £1,000,000. I wouldn’t be surprised if Uber Brittania make large donations on the run up to the next election depending on the outcome of various licensing decisions - follow the money!
How many Conservatives are against relicensing Uber? Find me one!
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