Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Rank And File : News From The Mean Streets Pt1... by Jim Thomas

This is a new feature, that we hope will bring you information and also put your mind to rest by dispelling rumours of no substance. 

News that Novikov's Taxi rank has been clearly marked on the road surface by Westminster Council has been marred, by the fact that the official rank board has now been removed. Also two massive signs have suddenly appeared at this location, stating that the rank limits will be enforced by video surveillance. 

Drivers have been warned numerous times about over ranking yet nothing has been forthcoming from LTPH about the constant abuse of Mayfair Taxi ranks or the numerous cases of kerbside touting from private hire drivers.

TfLTPH have informed Taxi Leaks that the blue Uber rear window light is in fact illegal and stops will be put on any Uber vehicle seen displaying the illuminated signage. 
If you see, please take down location, time and registration and send with photo to the @TfLTPH Twitter account who will pass this on to enforcement. 

Prius was spotted outside Nobu's restaurant Berkeley Street W1, 1:30 on the 21st of January 2017. This vehicle has been reported to compliance.

There have been fears that Taxis are about to be excluded from the bus lane running the length of Baker Street. 
Taxi Leaks did ask the TfLTPH Twitter account to confirm or dismiss this rumour. But we was told LTPH couldn't say either way as they were waiting for clarification on the signage. 

After inspecting the signage, we found just the one without the word Taxi on the board, at the beging of the section between Dorset Street and Blandford Street (image 3). 

But it appears all the other boards running the whole length of Baker Street include the word Taxi. We will issue an update on this, as soon as we get a proper reply from LTPH.

We have also learned that the bus lane sign on Holborn Viaduct west bound, shows buses and cycles only. 
We have been informed by the City of London that this is an oversight and the signage will by changed to show Taxis are allowed.

Please support TfL Compliance Watch : @WatchTfL


Anonymous said...

And what happened to mr Khan saying he's going to open up more bus lanes for taxis. More like the opposite

Anonymous said...

This new feature is very helpful every one of our 24000 should read this blog