Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Headlight on Bus Safety

The safety of buses has deteriorated in the last year. The number of collisions involving buses has increased in recent years. There were 4,297 injuries by the end of Q3 2015/16, compared with 4,196 over the same period the year before (an increase of 2.5 per cent). 

  • Why aren’t bus drivers first-aid trained?
  • Why doesn’t TfL have targets to improve bus safety?
  • How is TfL making incident investigations more rigorous and transparent?
  • How does TfL ensure that all incidents are properly managed, reported and investigated?
  • Are bus drivers comfortable with the incident reporting process?

The London Assembly Transport Committeemeets tomorrow to consider the safety record of London’s buses and what can be done to improve it.  The guests are:

  • Gareth Powell, Director of TfL Strategy and Contracted Services, TfL
  • Jane Lupson, Bus Collision Reduction Programme Manager, TfL
  • Tony Wilson, Managing Director, London & Surrey, Abellio
  • Wayne King, Regional Coordinating Officer, Unite
  • Paul Russell, Head of CIRAS (Confidential Incident Reporting and Analysis System)
  • Sarah Hope, Victim's Support Consultant for TfL and Founder of the Sarah Hope Line and Elizabeth's Legacy of Hope

The meeting will take place on Thursday, 02 February from 10:00am in The Chamber at City Hall (The Queen’s Walk, London SE1).

Media and members of the public are invited to attend

The meeting can also be viewed via webcast.


Anonymous said...

Where is Leon?

Surely safety is paramount, Is he dining in Mayfair with his pals or emailing Dear Jo?

Anonymous said...

The amount of buses that are blantenly jumping red lights at night is getting a joke.
It's only a matter of time before they kill someone.
In a case of purposely jumping the light makes it manslaughter if not bloody murder!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bus Collision Reduction Programme Manager!!!!!!!!

Sounds like money for old rope that one!

Anonymous said...

Its not only at night they blatantly jump lghts it happens all day too,and the retards blatantly drive into box junctions knowing full well that they block the junction