Wednesday, January 25, 2017

National Campaign Save Taxis & Private Hire from unregulated Uber with TFL Public Inquiry

Throughout the UK thousands of unregulated  Uber drivers have been improperly licensed by Transport for London and are operating illegally, putting the Public at risk. 
Customers personal security is compromised and road users are exposed to dangerous driving and accidents causing serious injuries and deaths.

Towns and Cities are gridlocked with congestion which is causing toxic air pollution (putting drivers, cyclists and pedestrians at risk) which has increased because Transport for London have issued thousands of Private Hire Licenses to Uber drivers without proper background, medical or insurance, checks who then operate illegally throughout the UK,ignoring traffic regulations and road signs causing accidents and traffic chaos.

TFL have made many improper decisions in relation to Taxis and Private Hire including the issuance of 2500 Private Hire Licenses each month without proper checks and the London Taxi Age limit and previous failed emissions strategies which have not complied with Public Law.

TFL is  a Public body who receive £11 billion a year in taxpayers money yet are accountable to no one;

There is an urgent need for a Public Inquiry to expose the improper decisions which do not comply with Public Law and have resulted in injuries and deaths. There should be an immediate suspension of TFL Private Hire License Applications and the Uber Operators License pending that Public Inquiry.

This petition will be delivered to:

Prime Minister Theresa May and Chris Grayling MP


Anonymous said...

People from all over UK are signing this. It would be great if Londons cabbies sign and tweet thus

Anonymous said...

Read the comments section on the petition. People from all over the UK are outraged at the conduct of TFL. Nearly 100 signatures in a few hours. Tweet the hell out of this!