Monday, September 12, 2016

Fight Fire With Fire ..... Sean Paul Day on Taxiapp.

Why I joined taxiapp

We are already experiencing how de-regulation causes a  race to the bottom. History has shown that it is not always the best person, team, product, ideology, or even idea that wins, but mostly it is those that have the most money, weaponry and/or  exposure that are victorious. As a consequence, everyone loses. And it has been studied in great detail. The Great Depression in the USA is a case in point. 

Studies show how a deregulated environment puts passengers in danger financially and physically, and leads to an unhealthy business environment – preventing companies from providing top quality service.

With that in mind, it is of my firm opinion that the private hire industry is on course for UK wide deregulation. Whilst the consequences of this are not fully  known, the ramifications on the stringently regulated taxi trade could be monumental.

On the back of TfL’s tentative admission that it was lawful for PHV/D to show availability was the news that the DVSA were going to scrap the taxi driver test from December 2016, deregulation seems inevitable. 

Simply put, any PHV/D that is showing availability for work is plying for hire. Effectively, a concept that has defined our working model for over 150 years is no more. Yes, they have a particular way in which they ply their wares but then so do we. Those who asked for a level playing field are now being rewarded with a one tier system. And instead of instructing all private hire drivers to undertake a similar driving standard requirement to taxi drivers, the policy makers have decided to scrap the taxi driver test altogether. The news of both was  secreted to the trade so surreptitiously it has garnered virtually no response at all. Notably, the silence from our representatives is deafening. 

I’ll be the first to admit, deregulation of the private hire bill has been a  foreboding for some time and was the primary reason I chose to get on board taxiapp. Following a long night of existential angst, I concluded that the trade needed it’s own technological platform. To think otherwise, was to enslave ourselves to the whims of corporates; the money men who feign fondness for the history of our sweet, little localised trade. 

In a moment of frantic urgency, I called Phil- one of taxiapp’s founder members- convinced that a work force was being stockpiled in order to perform an en-masse take over of our vibrant, self sufficient  industry. . 

It is impossible to know  where innovation will take us next, but  it is safe to say,  if we are not on the first  rung of the technological ladder we may not be afforded the chance to ascend to the second rung. 

Those working on taxiapp have, unequivocally,  done everything they can to protect the driver from  a potential  takeover by off-shore business men  facilitated by our very own government bodies. It is crucial that we are not distracted by dissenters (even trolls have trolls) who's misdirection would rather see us sold off to the next highest bidder.  

Although  i’ve  said a thousand times, the intention with taxiapp has always been for the trade to regain control, and to be,, at least, the eulogists of our own destination. 

One aspect I have realised since being amongst the passionate and determined steering group behind taxiapp is that business only has regard for business, and taxiapp has in some weird way put the trade  back on the map.  No question then, if we as a trade want to be a formidable force to be reckoned with when our ranks and the street hail come under threat, then we have to make sure there is no chink in the taxi trade’s armour. 

it is as clear as day that our regulators have smoothed the way for us to be hijacked, nevertheless, each and every one of us  must accept the responsibility of promoting our industry- on a  big scale- to remain valid, and it is imperative that we are in a position to challenge those who would readily take our place. Now is not the time to be suffering the tiredness of defeat. 

Taxiapp believe the fight has yet to enter the ring. Collectively, we are a behemoth and by utilising that cohesive strength we can securely operate stronger than all the rest. Merely going through the motions as the Corporates  feed on our (not yet deceased) carcasses would mean we are doomed to stagnate amongst the satnav swamp, or at worst not at all.

Are you ready to fight our corner? Defeated, no more! Promote  #StreetHail. Promote #Ranks. Promote  #Taxiapp. 

In the words of that famous silent film star Charlie Chaplin, let us all unite

Sean Paul Day   
London Taxi Radio & taxiapp


Anonymous said...

is the app for all London only?.

Anonymous said...

so what's wrong with GETT TAXI?

we don't want APPS

we want ENFORCEMENT of the rules

Anonymous said...

ask your self one thing what is gett hailo arrow hailing apps biggest competition? its the street hail Taxiapp is a real way to take back control.

Anonymous said...

Someones got a black belt in Vocabulary

Anonymous said...

I think a taxi app is undoubtedly another string to our bow along with visible street presence by hailing and having the ability on simply paying by cash.

Lets not get into a slagging match about hailo..Gett.. & now this one, lets see if it can assist to improve our finances, as we all know what vehicle all the minicab drivers would love to drive when they pull up besides us .. ours, and that is our biggest weapon in our fight against the tech based middlemen, drivers no matter what part of the world they are from want to call themselves taxi drivers.... but they know they are only kidding themselves as there is only one type of taxi driver in London, and that is us!

Be Lucky


Unknown said...

You not only ignore the advice from the rest of the country, you bow come across as a desperate sales man

Yes apps are good to a degree for the future if this trade, but they are bit the end game.

You want to kill off Uber and it's hardly regulated drivers in London, then open your eyes, look out side the box.

This fight is nationwide and from not just Hackney drivers but PHV alsi

Set up a nation wide steering committee, I will be happy to join it.

Anonymous said...

Oh really, a nationwide fight?

I was in Durham recently and was chatting to a cab diver I used from the station rank, "Uber?..not up here yet mate" and he went on to say how London Taxi licenses are so difficult to obtain due to the knowledge, Mini cabs were invented (in London) way back in the sixties to circumnavigate that aspect although they remained until recently unlicensed.

He also went on to point out how London is a melting pot of all different nationalities and cultures who are gladly prepared to work for a lower income and are reluctant to move away to other parts of the UK due to established cultural links.

If it is suggested that Major UK Cities unite in unison against UBER and that makes partial sense as other major UK cities have also gained higher cheap labour bases but lower costs of livings, but remember taxi qualification processes in obtaining Taxi Licenses in those areas are considerably easier than ours and that makes established taxis cheaper first place, It our capital city London who bears the full brunt of this cheap labour invasion particularly with government top ups to under earning drivers who qualify for payment "credits" to top up their earnings in our expensive part of his country and which makes our markets so attractive yo UBER, this whole family bailed out by our tax system safety net plan was originally created for subsistence of poorer families, NOT for the "top up" of clearly and strategically underpaid UBER drivers whilst Taxis drivers subsidise them incredibly through our taxation system, and this issue is the clear reality of what makes our markets a clear target.

Our vehicles are hugely expensive tools for our business which is highly regulated for safety and to provide transportation for every one regardless of their health or abilities, and that is why 100% of our vehicles carry wheelchairs.. it is the Law yet our so called competitors are not bound by those laws, and why not? Ask the law makers!

We must have level playing fields to stand any hope of existence and if it is only based on the supplying price, I for one would be much happier doing more work for less money & the meter does our pricing and that is via TFL ...rather than do no work at all, really is a no brainer.

Stop the huge financial of waste of tax payers hard earned money granting tax credit subsidies for all certain types of cheaply underpaid employment... and private hire should be up on top of that list, only then will we really see who is cheaper based on first point of competitive supply as I am 100% certain UBER drivers would pack the job tomorrow in if they were not financially bailed out by our national government policy which has now sadly turned into a badly designed wealthy corporation profits underpinning tool and must be abolished.

Be Lucky

greenbadgejohn (on twitter)