Friday, September 16, 2016

Are TfL Bulldozing Their Way Through The Mayors Action Plan ? .. By Jim Thomas.

Here we go again, tucked away on page 10 paragraph 15, something else that seems to have escaped the representative orgs and unions notice. 

"Mandatory Card and Contactless payments options", (that's the word the mayor uses "OPTIONS") in Taxis from 31st October to make it even easier for customers to pay, while giving drivers the time they need to prepare, and working with card payment providers to get the best deal for the drivers.

But TfL haven't done this. They've bulldozed conditions of fitness through, without the use of common sense, conditions that could compromise drivers personal safety. 

They haven't given us the "OPTION" to make our own provisions to get the best deal possible for both driver and passenger.

As the LTDA's general secretary, Steve McNamara said "it's a done deal" ...... and not one that we (as independent traders) have been party to.

With just over 5 weeks till the mandate deadline, it is up to our representative orgs to go back to TfL and demand a suspension, until the mayor's plan can be acted upon, giving drivers the right to make their own provision with providers. 

We must be allowed to get the best deal possible, currently unachievable under TfL's new conditions, which favour a handful of 'gold standard stakeholder' card payment suppliers.

Why should we be limited to TfL's favoured of providers?

We are independent sole traders. 
TfL's have no right to interfere with financial arrangements we deem to make with third parties. 

With thanks to Lenny Etheridge. 

This from Dads Defending Daughters:


On Tuesday, the Director of Service Operations TfL, Peter Blake handed me the 'Taxi and Private Hire Action Plan 2016', saying "It's all in here. All your demands are being met." I thought, 'Yeah, right.'

But to be honest, they all are ... almost.
Mayor Khan and Transport for London have put an excellent package together

To read the full article please use this link:


From BBC London Travel Watch.
The result of the badly planned Tavistock Place trial system

Traffic gridlock, Euston Road westbound, back passed Kings Cross 


Anonymous said...

The Mayor of London is swanning around Canada and the States with the slogan London is open for business. Maybe he should have a look at the TFL cameras when he gets back to his day job and see that London is now the most gridlocked city in the world .

Unknown said...

This is typical, lets face it...they have a shite load of correspondence, but never listen to the trade...because they think the trade are not worthy of knowing whats best... hierarchy at its finest...

A serious consultation, with all bodies present, and an open mind from the TfL and the Mayor, all this shite would be sorted a long time ago....