Saturday, August 27, 2016

The London Taxi Benevolent Association for War Disabled

The London black cab trade has experienced some very disheartening times over the last couple of years so to be able to give out positive news is a true delight for me.  

It seems a long time ago that I put out a number of tweets asking the trade to support us in our bid to win our section of the National Lottery Awards and you did not let us down. 

Readers – we WON!!

Out of 600 applicants in the Charity/Voluntary section we did it and much of this success is down to all of you who got behind us.  By the time you read this the results will have been shown on the BBC in a prime time slot.  

On a personal note I could not be more thrilled that the media and the public have had a timely reminder of what wonderful people you, the proud members of this exceptional trade, are, and what you represent.  I will never tire of writing about the loyalty, patriotism, generosity and kindness that epitomises the vast majority of London’s cab drivers.
It is always risky to single out names for particular thanks, but I am going to take a chance here.  If I omit anyone who really went the extra mile then I can only apologise.  All the orgs got behind us and we received good coverage in the relevant publications. It goes without saying that the charity’s committee worked hard to achieve this result.  Hailo, cab:app, and Ubiquitous all played their part.  Our brilliant volunteer drivers backed us to the hilt.
However there are some others that gave us absolutely key support:  Michael Calvey, cab driver and ex-para Pat G, the Mayfair Mob, London Taxi Radio, Millwall FC, UCGup and TaxiLeaks. You were behind us all the way and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  

Not only is this a victory for the charity, but for the trade as well. Enjoy the success – you earned it.

Frances Luczyc Wyhowska.


1 comment:

@posi_tiveacts said...

Fantastic news! Such a deserving cause! Well done!