Friday, August 19, 2016

Camden Council Announce New Set Down Area At St Pancras.

In September and December 2015, in partnership with Transport for London (TfL) Camden Council trialled an airport style drop-off system outside St Pancras International Station. The trial saw the drop-off and pick-up bays segregated from the carriageway with cones, so vehicles would need to enter the area and keep moving rather than wait or double-park.

The idea was that this would encourage self-policing amongst motorists. Signs were erected to notify motorists of where to go and our enforcement team, along with officers from TfL and British Transport Police, were on hand to support the trial.

Following a period of consultation, we have  revisited the design of the original system. The two bays between the entrance to the station and Euston Road will be removed and replaced with double yellow lines and double kerb “blips”. These markings indicate that no waiting or loading is permitted at any time.

Vehicles that are stopped for no longer than necessary to allow passengers (and their luggage) to alight will be exempt from the restrictions. However, vehicles will not be permitted to wait or stay at the location for passengers to arrive or any other purposes.

Drivers who may need additional time to drop-off or pick-up passengers are advised to use the bays north of the entrance to the station, which will retain their current time limit, or the NCP car park.

Why are you making changes?

We believes the new restrictions will lead to the following benefits:

Reduction in congestion caused by vehicles waiting longer than two minutes

Reduction in vehicles double parking

Increased safety for pedestrians by increasing visibility of the road that had been reduced by parked vehicles

Increased safety for cyclists who will no longer be forced into the path of on-coming traffic

When will this happen?

It is expected that the work will be carried out during the week commencing 22nd August 2016, weather permitting. Works will be carried out at night and will involve the removal of white bay markings and laying down yellow markings in their place.

There is likely to be a short “settling in” period of a few days during which TfL and our enforcement officers will be present to advise drivers. Following this, Penalty Charge Notices may be issued to vehicles breaching the restrictions from 29th August 2016.

The scheme will be monitored and additional signage will be installed if necessary.


Anonymous said...

Camden can do what they like, the problem is not a parking issue; it's an illegally plying for hire issue. The real problem is the wannabes who haven't got a clue what they are doing!

Anonymous said...

Taken from the CTN

Because of the Border Control objection, at the meeting Camden put forward the new proposal to make the parking area a ‘double yellow’ road, which they admitted wasn’t ideal - See more at:

They already know this won't work

Tom Pepper said...

As ever it's the enforcement that counts, still it's progress and all down to th d DD and RMT guys who kept the issue live, we also note the Johnny Come Latelys of the Joint Ranks Committee are claiming 'it wus us all along guv', of course it was!