Wednesday, January 13, 2016


 New Taxi Rank Markings In Wardour Street.

Last night, rank markings were repainted outside the old Floridita bar/restaurant, in preparation for its reopening as "100 Wardour Street".

The rank markings are clear enough for us to easily move off any tout chancers. 
In addition, local wardens have agreed to ticket any vehicle other than a Taxi, seen parked or waiting at this site. 

Great team work again on behalf of the trade, by members of the Mayfair Mob, who have been working hard behind the scenes with both TfL and the council to complete this project well ahead of schedule.

Please do not use this rank as free parking as it will be a working rank and is expected to be as busy as Novikov's in Berkeley Street. 

If you see touts, parked up on our ranks, move them on and give it ten minutes. If there's touts there, then there's work there. 

Other triumphs for the Mayfair Mob, were Hakkasan and Forge, both have proved to be great assets in our fight to take the work back off the touts.

More ranks are currently under negotiation, and when announced, we will need your help to keep them stocked with Taxis. If people see an orange light, they will use us.

Now the ball is in your court, use 'em or lose 'em.


Geraldo said...

Fantastic work Mick and the crew ar doing,
Perhaps we can get DeathWish onto the board of TfL.
Got to be better than Nobby.

Shakil ivier said...

Great works. It seems like it's very clear for everyone where they need to park and also for the taxis that needs to drop and pick-up passengers. Working out as a team makes the outcome comes fast and successful.