Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Definitive Answer From The Department Of Transport Under Secretary On PH Number Cap.

Tom Brake, Shadow LD Spokesperson (Foreign Affairs), Liberal Democrat Chief Whip, Shadow LD Leader of the House of Commons

Asked the Secretary of State for Transport, if he will bring forward legislative proposals to introduce a cap on the number of private hirevehicles operating in London

Andrew Jones, Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)

Replied, "this Government does not intend to amend primary legislation to allow the number of private hire vehicles licensed in London or elsewhere to be restricted".


Unknown said...

i voted for this lot they have lost my vote next time

Anonymous said...

A victory for free enterprise! Let the market decide how low the prices can go with Uber pouring millions in to 'disrupt the market' and tax credit system supporting the drivers and their families. Well done to everyone.

Anonymous said...

What an absolute knob. All you created is a very unhappy workforce who do not appreciate the job they are doing. As a yb jobs are getting broomed on the rank all the time because no one wants a local after constantly waiting for hours in end.Thanks to asehole politicians.

Anonymous said...

Phv driver I am now working far to many hours to earn a living, this weekend had to pull my fare out of a touts toyota, my mate did this a few weeks back and had a knife pulled on him, so for me to earn enough to pay my rent and eat I have to risk my liberty, because I commit the offence of wreck less driving every day, because I am in this car for 90+ hours a week, I think old school phv , add lee , YB, and GB should get together and block every bridge in this city every week, the gloves are of gents we stand together and fight or we all die

AndyCabb said...

Roll up roll up, come one and all. The streets are paved with tax credits and in work benefits. All you need is a dodgy letter, dodgy insurance (don't worry you can always cancel it later) and blacked out windows. Roll up roll up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is there any black cab drivers out there still stupid enough to pay an accountant 480.00 year to pay Tax , ??????? Forget the accountant and tax man and go and get help from the DHSS to pay for your cab rent and bills , 40.000 plus scabs are ....

Anonymous said...

Harrogate mp once again most of the ph drivers in Harrogate are dressed smartly even wearing ties only way if they won't cap the phv is raise the bar nationwide but they won't do that only get told what to do by uber....

Anonymous said...

Let the number rise as they say give them enough rope and the hangs themselves

Unknown said...

Words don't count,strategic bridges and crossroads being blocked only way to disrupt the disrupters

Anonymous said...

Who pays £480 a year in accountancy fees ?
Name and shame this scurrilous scoundrel!

Anonymous said...

If you are a taxi driver and you voted Tory you are a total bell end - what did you expect !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 333am. The accountants name Rimes with ,,, my uncle dell !

Anonymous said...

4.02PM He's taking the piss. If your tax return is simple and uncomplicated you can file it online yourself. Or find someone local, they will charge you half the amount. Cordel ain't that good anyway. I have known loads of drivers that have used him and he cost them money.
Be lucky.

Anonymous said...

Go online and look at self assessment form SA100, it ain't as difficult as you think. Save yourself £500.