We are now being told by a certain newpaper, that
it's very unlikely TfL will introduce the new PH regulations proposed for next year.
it's very unlikely TfL will introduce the new PH regulations proposed for next year.
(There's a surprise)
Perhaps TfL would like to take notice of the recent poll carried out by the Daily Mirror which asked the question "Should Uber be banned in London ?"
72% of Daily Mirror readers say Uber should be banned!
We have also been informed that Uber told their drivers not to bother completing the consultation in the traditional way, but instead to forward on an email prepared for them, taking the drivers personal opinions -which Uber obviously doesn't trust- out of the issue.
Taken from an Uber drivers blog 3 days ago:
Last night Uber sent a text telling me there were only 2 days left to respond to the TfL consultation. When I clicked the link – hey presto – it opened my email and generated text to send directly to TfL with Uber’s preferred reply. All I had to do was hit enter – no thinking required, just the way Uber likes it. It even autogenerated a bcc to Uber itself so that big brother at Aldgate Tower can monitor which drivers are the true believers and who are just not to be trusted.
Why would Uber not want their drivers to complete the consultation in the traditional manner?
Could the reason be that with this consultation, security measures are in place, whereby the replier has to give a valid email address which triggers an automated reply. Plus only one reply allowed on each valid address, invalidating fraudulent replies.
Did uber send TfL emails on behalf of the drivers who didn't click on the send option?
Perhaps this is something we can do in future. A trade org could collect all the email addresses of Taxi drivers and next time there is a consultation, send off emails as a block reply on behalf of all the trade!
Do you honestly think TfL would have stood for this had we adopted this method ?
Remember the scandal when it was alleged Uber used its custermer data base of names and email addresses, to reply to an online poll without first acquiring permission from the account holder. Many account holders complained when they received the confirmation email!
In addition, Uber have carried out their own petition, one in which they make the rules....hence 205,000 completed by account holders and drivers who allegedly have no knowledge they have signed a petition.
Normally, bulk submissions are unacceptable. But in TfL's infinite wisdom....this time they have decided to accept Uber's poll petition printouts. Makes you wonder what else was in the boxes
Before any decision is made appertaining to the implementation of the new regulations, it's imperative that our trade orgs ask for an independent adjudicator, to examine a cross-section of the submissions, to verify that the signatures are authentic.
On BBC London News, we wet told that most minicab operators say the current system would work "IF" properly enforced by TfL. Addison Lee's Dominick Moxon-Tritsch added TfL should have insured all PH operators have Fleet Insurance.
Speaking for the licensed Taxi trade, Steve McNamara said the change seen in the minicab industry is progress, but progress needs to be regulated. Lots of people in london like to use controlled substances, but they're banned ! You have to have regulations it's all about safety.
Every time there is any sort of on line consultation #uber cannot help themselves, they mobilize the faithful, but always add to the this with paid and crowd sourced responses.
Satisfy yourself and have a look at the facebook and twitter profiles that populate their responses. Many are blank or inactive, set up with the special purpose of propagating uberfriendly comment.
Compare that with taxi people, who have all the trappings of real ppl. Stuff like family pics, and general interest things.
When you find them, screen shot them and post them so that our followers can see what is happening
Re edited version better Jim, perhaps you should think about waiting a few hours before posting to iron out the the lumps
There are clear instructions on how public bodies have to conduct consultations.
TfL need to be very careful here, it's isn't a vote by Uber or its 'fanbase' .
It's about regulation and public protection.
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