Friday, September 18, 2015

Did Johnson collude with Arbour to stop Mayors Questions? Dave Davies

Did Boris Johnson collude with Tory AM Tony Arbour to shut down the Mayors Questions for which he had no answers?

Live questions are much harder to spin or avoid than written answers.

James O’Brien  astutely noticed the very deliberate way in which Johnson said ' Luddittes'  in the London Assembly, as if he was deliberately intending to provoke the reaction that he did.


However did people also notice how quickly Tony Arbour the Tory Deputy Chair stopped the meeting?

The taxi drivers in the audience had barely made any disruption before the Luddite comment and even when it was made the noise was no different to that which we see in the house of Commons every week.

If you watch the clip again you will see that Arbour's reaction almost seems pre-meditated ; the way in which he says' Get these people out of here' which could have easily been followed with 'Off with their heads'  was very telling


His comments afterwards confirm that he was completely biased against the taxi  drivers.

He made false statements including that there was a riot and some of which are still showing on the GLA website claiming that staff were punched and one member of staff was 'knocked out'. 

(This person actually fell over)

His false statement has not been challenged by anyone and clearly demonstrates the improper action of Johnson and his cronies

Statement from Tony Arbour AM, Deputy Chairman of the London Assembly


16 September 2015

“Today’s disruption at Mayor’s Question Time was unnecessary and unfortunate.


Several  members of the City Hall security team were punched, pushed and verbally abused. One was knocked unconscious and taken to hospital.  Our understanding is that his condition is now stable and we wish him well soon.


As a result of interruptions from the public gallery, the democratic process was halted and the Mayor and Assembly Members were moved from the Chamber to continue business in another location.


The Assembly is fully aware of the depth of feeling within the licensed taxi industry – but this kind of disruption is unhelpful to the fight for their livelihoods.


The Transport Committee’s cross-party report into the taxi and private hire industries - ‘Future Proof’ made a number of recommendations to the Mayor and Transport for London and we look forward to their implementation.


In the meantime, attending City Hall meetings to watch London government in action is encouraged – but verbal and physical attacks are not.”


This false statement from the Deputy Chair of the Assembly shows the importance of making sure that proper and effective Press Statements are given so that there is at least a possibility balanced view in the media.


The upcoming UCG protests provide an excellent opportunity to get the message out there;

This opportunity will be missed unless the UCG hold a proper Press Conference and get the clear message across to the media that Taxi Drivers are protesting against the utter corruption of Boris Johnson and TFL

   Extra Comment From Sean Day 


Veritas said...

Agreed about Arbor and Johnson, they played us like an old fiddle.

As for any press conference, as the demos are all trade then surely all the orgs and unions should get involved in that?

Forget the one ton legal fund, if the LCDC want to take TfL to court they have had enough subs over the years to pay for that, unless it's all gone on stand down pay? Quite what will be the matter placed before for the courts?

Engage professional media people, we nee the likes of Alastair Campbell to combat Whetstone, Boris etc.

Anonymous said...

Two great articles written by our staunch colleagues Dave Davis & Sean Day.

Yes, Dave, I believe the whole scenario was rehearsed, staged and carried out with skills that would credit the Royal Shakespeare Company.

But I will have a little bet with you. Although Sean is absolutely correct in his remarks of Arbour's uncorroborated accusations, fallacious indignity, and understandable offence at his remarks about our trade..........I bet that he neither apologises, or is removed from his office of Deputy Chairman of The Greater London Assembly. Arbour is a another elitist who thinks that he is better than the people who he is paid to serve. He has only ever been a councillor all of his professional life. Big deal ! The problem with these elected Civil SERVANTS is of course, they mistake their office chair as a throne !

Don't let him or the fraud Johnson get away with it ! Let's make one with the UCG next week and show "those people" that "these people" ain't listening to their old bollox a minute longer ! Bollox to democracy......have some of this !


Anonymous said...

Absolutely spot on. There was obviously something on the agenda that Johnson didn't want to answer to. On watching the events live, I also believe there was collusion between Arbour and Johnson. The whole charade was planned and managed. The media didn't waste any time publishing arbours lies. They should now print the truth about what took place. No riot, no violenc . All lies !

Anonymous said...

The Mayors Questions that were going to be asked can be seen here

There was a question to be asked by Darren Johnson about the improper Taxi Age Limit and why was it still be enforced even though it has been proven that the current ' new' taxis are MORE polluting than the older cabs being scrapped.

On page 33

15 year taxi age limit - emission
Question No: 2015/2663
Darren Johnson
Can you explain the logic in continuing the 15 year age limit for black cabs prior to new zero emission capable taxi's being manufactured? Are you not encouraging drivers to buy polluting
vehicles, when all their colleagues will be buying much cleaner vehicles from 2018 onwards?

10 year taxi age limit - emissions
Question No: 2015/2664
Darren Johnson
Will you publish the calculated savings in annual emissions that would result from having a ten
year black cab age limit from 2018?

Research into low emission taxis
Question No: 2015/2665
Darren Johnson
What funding have you provided for research into low emission taxis since becoming Mayor in

He was also going to be asked many questions about Private Hire, about his failed New Bus and about what he intends to do with the water cannons he has spent public money and and cant use and also about undercover Police Operations.
He obviously didnt want to answer these questions in a Public Mayors Question Time.

It is extremely important that the UCG hold a proper Press Conference at a proper location and make the very clear points about the protests.

Anonymous said...

More Mayors Questions that were going to be asked
Page 25

Progress of the Uber case in the High Court
Question No: 2015/2628
Steve O'Connell
Do you know when the High Court case on whether or not the Uber charging system is a
taximeter is likely to commence? Do you also know when this case is likely to end and reach a

page 10
TfL Taxi & Private Hire audit
Question No: 2015/2536
Caroline Pidgeon
Will you extend the focus of the audit into TfL Taxi and Private Hire to include the involvement
of senior management in Surface Transport at TfL?

Enforcement of taxi regulations at Heathrow Airport
Question No: 2015/2524
Caroline Pidgeon
Please clarify who is responsible for taxi and private hire enforcement with regards to touting at
Heathrow Airport.

DBS delays for taxi licence renewal (1)
Question No: 2015/2521
Caroline Pidgeon
I have received reports of significant delays in applications to the Disclosure and Barring Service
(DBS) for taxi licence renewal. As you will be aware, these delays cause significant hardship to
drivers who are unable to work until the application is completed. Will you lobby Government
to ensure the DBS completes the checks and provides new licences to taxi drivers as soon as

Anonymous said...

I agree this was staged managed, remember a member of staff at city hall was injured because of the action of these two idiots, they should be held to account for there actions on this day, get these clowns in court, love to see boris in bel marsh he go down realy well on B wing